Tuesday, February 16, 2010

San Francisco Trip!!!

I went to San Francisco this past weekend! During my trip I was able to try many beers that I have been wanting to try for a while now!!! I was super excited. Here are a few of the ones I was able to to try on tap while I was there...

Russian River Pliny the Younger!!!!!!! (extremely awesomely delicious)
Russian River Pliny the Elder
Russian River Blind Pig IPA
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
Allagash White
Dale's Pale Ale

I was also able to hit up the San Francisco Beer Week Culmination event "The Barleywine Festival" at the Toronado, a bar near downtown San Francisco. A very cool place. There was tons of good drinks. Here are some of the Barleywines I drank...

21st Amendment Lower de Boom
Stone Old Guardian
Speakeasy Old Godfather
Full Sail Old Boardhead

Here are the bottles I brought back!! I think I did pretty well....


  1. You got those all on the plane? How much extra did you have to pay?

  2. Southwest Airlines!!!! = no cost for first two bags... in this case, beer shippers!

  3. nice. Tour Anchor steam, it's quite good, free, and you get to drink for an hour afterwards.

    It's probably out of season, but Alagash Grand Cru is a thing of beauty.
